The WOD Generator FAQs

1. What are the upgrade options available?

You can upgrade in-app for access to additional features such as a timer and workout log and to support development (thank you!). There are four options available:

(1) Monthly subscription

(2) Annual subscription

(3) Lifetime (a one-time payment)

(4) Give Back Program, for those who cannot afford it (more below).

All payments are handled through the App Store on iOS or Google Play Store on Android.

2. How do I cancel my subscription?

You can manage your subscriptions within the relevant app store:

iOS: Open the App Store > tap on your profile (top right on iPhone) > tap "subscriptions". Within this you can find the subscription to The WOD Generator and cancel it.

Android: Open the Google Play Store > open the menu (hamburger icon on mobile) > tap "subscriptions". Within this you can find the subscription to The WOD Generator and cancel it.

Apple manages the subscriptions, so we (and other developers) don't have access to cancel your subscription unfortunately. You'll be able to do so by following the instructions above though.

3. What is the Give Back program?

My first and main goal for The WOD Generator is to help people improve their fitness. While I try to keep the price of Pro as accessible as possible, I know that not everyone can afford it, and don't want this to hold you back. The Give Back program provides full access to paid features for free on iOS or as a one-time payment of the lowest allowed price by Google Play*.

This works completely on a trust based system. Running The WOD Generator costs me time and money, so if people abuse this I will have to revoke it. I hope I won't have to though :)

How do I know if the Give Back program is for me? If purchasing the app means you need to decide between it and something else, then the program is for you and please select it.

How do I select it? Open the Upgrade screen within the iOS or Android app. It appears as an option below the subscription/lifetime options.

*Why is the Give Back program not free on Android? I manage the program through in-app purchases so I can easily enable/disable parts of the app. Unfortunately, Google Play does not allow me to enter €0 as the price, so I selected the lowest possible price of €0.50. I last confirmed this in August 2021.

4. I already had The WOD Generator Pro but no longer have access?

Please try the following:

(1) Go to Settings and then tap "Restore purchases". If that does not work:

(2) Go to Settings, tap "Report an issue" and send me the resulting email which will include your ID. Then I will be able to restore Pro for you.

5. How can I suggest a WOD to be added?

Please submit it using this form!

6. Can you add a definition?

Definitely! Please email me at with more detail and I'll add it :)

7. Why do the mobile apps have more functionality and WODs than the website?

I find mobile apps easier for certain features such as timing and logging workouts. I also focus development more on them as they reach a wider audience and I myself use the mobile app :)

8. Other questions?

If you have any questions not answered here please email me at [click to reveal].


Download our Mobile Apps

Over 10,000 additional WODs, a timer, workout log, equipment filters and much more! Download for free on iOS and Android. See all features here.

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The WOD Generator App